To begin carrying out my GAME plan, I am going to need more access to the variety of technology that can be used. Internet access is a major obstacle in my classroom. There are not enough computers for each student to use, therefore, I will need to find a way to enable the students to have access to computers weekly. I will also need to figure out for myself how to use the different tools that I plan to use. For example, I need to explore the various websites that I want my students to use so that I will be prepared to model for them how to use these sites. I also need to do my research. I need to find the benefits of the various technologies that I plan to employ. To do this, I will spend time researching the pros and cons of different websites and tools that I want to use. I also want to work collaboratively with both the library/media arts specialist and the digital arts teacher in my school. They are both very knowledgeable when it comes to using technology in the classroom and can be a powerful resource.
Additional Information:
Some additional information that I may need to know to carry out my GAME plan would be, most importantly, my students learning needs and preferences. I need to be able to recognize what my students need in order to successfully incorporate technology that would be useful for them into my instruction. Students all have various learning styles and abilities and to get the most use out of technology in the classroom, the tools should coincide with the learners' needs. I also want to find out what my students' level of ability for technology use is. Some students may not be that good at using these new tools and will need additional instruction. Some students will be more advanced and may even teach me a thing or two! I also will need to know how much access each student has to computers and the Internet at home. It would not make sense to incorporate these technological tools into the classroom and then have students not be able to reinforce what they have learned at home.
Steps that I have taken:
To begin carrying out my GAME plan, I have already taken a look at a variety of websites that I want to begin using in my classroom. But, I am not just looking at them. I have been really exploring the sites and checking the background of the sites' creators. I want to find out as much as I can about the site so that I am prepared to use it with my students. I have also began discussions with the digital arts teacher in my school to work on my GAME plan. I want to discuss ideas with her that will enable me to meet the diverse needs of my students through the use of technology. She has an abundance of information and ideas that we will be discussing. Also, to further my GAME plan, I have made a schedule for my students to get into our computer lab during my class once a week. That is all that we have room for right now, but eventually I would like to make that more or get enough computers in my classroom for all of my students. I feel that I am off to a good start to carry out my GAME plan. I have a long way to go and a lot to learn and am excited about where this is all headed!!