My G.A.M.E. Plan
I plan to strengthen my confidence in the following NETS-T standards:
1. Develop technology enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.
2. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote students learning and creativity.
My Goals are to integrate technology into my instruction to enhance student learning, meet the needs of my students diverse learning styles by developing authentic learning environments, and make my classroom instruction more student-directed. The Actions I will take will enable these goals to be met. First, I will develop authentic learning environments where students are in control of their learning. They will be participating in activities where they are collaborating with other students and developing their creative thinking skills. They will be creating their work for real audiences on a global scale and learning to communicate effectively with authentic audiences from all over the world. I will also take into consideration the diverse needs of my students and their various learning styles. I will learn as much as I can about technology so that I can make decisions about what kind of digital tools will best enhance my students learning experiences. I want to ensure that I am integrating the most effective technology into my instruction so that the students are receiving the best possible learning experience. Monitoring the effectiveness of these goals and actions will be done by using formative assessments. Throughout the learning experiences, I will question my students to gauge their learning and understanding of the concepts incorporated with the technology. This will, in turn, help me to monitor the effectiveness of my integration of technology. To Evaluate the instructional effectiveness of my plan, I will reflect upon my teaching to try to determine what was successful and what was not. I will also be assessing the students' learning. I need to consider what strategies and technology integration worked and what needs modifications.