Wednesday, February 9, 2011

GAME plan update...

This week's learning resources have brought an abundance of useful information. I have learned a lot about social networking and online collaboration this week and am excited to try to implement them into my classroom. In a way, I already do with the class blog, but I would like to extend that into collaborating with classrooms and teachers around the world. I think it is so exciting to think about actually having class discussions with students on the other side of the globe!! This week's learning has given me so many valuable resources and I can't wait to get started! My GAME plan is moving along quite well. I have hit a little bump in the road. I am having issues with getting my students access to the computer lab each week. Fortunately, we have set up a class blog and the students can work on it outside of class time if needed. I am still working on a couple of the goals that I set up for myself. I am still working on integrating more technology into my classroom. As I said, I want to make use of my new knowledge of social networking and online collaboration! I also am working on differentiating my instruction. I think that this week's learning resources will contribute to my meeting that goal.

I have added a goal for myself as well. Based on the NETS-T goals, I have added the goal of modeling digital age work and learning for myself. I am taking an online master's degree and learning about all this new technology, I should be able to model my digital learning and work for my students. They will be able to learn much more successfully from me if I can achieve this goal, in addition to my other goals. I am happy with the way my GAME plan is coming along and am looking forward to the challenge of truly integrating all that I learn into my classroom instruction!


  1. Trish,
    Collaboration is so key with other areas of the world. It sparks the students interest to learn how other areas learn. I have used teleconferencing with many other areas but only one around the globe. You should see the students faces when they realize they are learning from a fellow students thousands of miles away. It's awesome!

  2. Hi Trisha,
    Good job on the class blog! That's exactly how technology can help when situations like time clashes or limited PC at school for all students. Blog allows them to work on their task outside classroom at their own home and comfort. Without technology, it'd be harder no doubt!
    I am very happy for you that your GAME plan is coming along great and it's good that you've identify more goals for yourself to follow! You are right that we have to walk the walk and talk the talk, role modeling in front of our students are an important message to our students. It's more persuasive this way, don't you think? :)
    Good luck with your GAME plan and everything else!

  3. Having a class blog is awesome for collaboration! It would be very frustrating to not be able to access the technology when you want to, but you have done a good job improvising with the blog because they can access it at home. Modeling for your students is an excellent goal. I also want to model for my students products that I have created with the tools that I want them to use. I think that would be incentive for them to work hard using the tools in class. You are definitely making progress towards reaching your goals! Keep up the good work!
